Price: $5,000,000
Location: Richmond, VA
Industry: Manufacturing
Listing ID: RVA108
Listing Status: New
The company provides a patented platform for the rapid and cost-effective production of high-performance nanofiber media. Using a proprietary, completely green process, they manufacture nanofibers without solvents. This solvent-free technology enables a highly scalable manufacturing process. Committed to excellence, sustainability, and innovation, their unique technology spins various polymers into versatile, high-performance products. These products serve a wide range of applications, including medical packaging, filtration systems, advanced textiles, and eco-friendly construction materials. The company is at the forefront of delivering next-generation solutions across multiple industries.
Down Payment: N/A
Total Sales: N/A
Cash Flow: N/A
Accounts Receivable: N/A
FFE: $1,500,000
Inventory: N/A
Inventory Included: Yes
Year Established: 2012
Non-Owner Payroll: N/A
Employees: 5
Real Estate: N/A
Real Estate Included: No
Monthly Rent: N/A
Franchise: No
Reason For Sale: Owners seeking Buyer to take company to the next level